Montecchio Maggiore Castagna Palace Hotel

Hotel in Montecchio Maggiore

Montecchio Maggiore

The Castles of Romeo & Juliette

The Castello di Bellaguardia (or Juliette’s Castle) and the Castello della Villa (or Romeo’s Castle), emerge at a height of 254 metres in the territory of the Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore.

Romeo’s Castle, built more or less in the 14th century by the Scaligeri family, the Rulers of Verona, incorporates a tower from the preceding era which served as a watch tower.
This tower formed part of a defensive system which was destroyed, and of which visible traces were not left behind.

Juliette’s Castle was built to defend a tower from the preceding era.
According to historical tradition, its surrounding walls were built by Cangrande II della Scala between 1354 and 1356.
Just as with Romeo’s Castle, this fortress was also rendered unusable by the Venetians.
During the restructuring of the 1930s in the last century a fresco tavern was built with scenes inspired by the romantic and tragic fate of Romeo and Juliette, surmounted by a large panoramic terrace.

Montecchio Maggiore

Address: Montecchio Maggiore - 36075 - Vicenza - Italia
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